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Thank You for your donations.


Thank you to all those who donated. The family have now made a donation to the Tafika Fund and will be donating the remaining funds to a a project in Southall soon. If anyone still wishes to make a donation, please contact the family or send an email to




Throughout the late '70s and early '80s the Southall Youth Movement (SYM) supported the young Asian and Afro-Caribbean community and spearheaded the fight against racism. While working as an officer of the National Association for Asian Youth in Southall in 1977, Sunil was co-opted into the SYM  and became one of its key workers.



Takifa School Fund

Sunil and his wife Clare lived in Zambia from 1986 to 1988. During this time they fell in love with the country, and in particular, the South Luangwa National Park.


Donations have been made to the Tafika Fund, which supports a local government-operated school by paying teachers' wages and providing materials. High school scholarships and trade skill grants are offered to pupils for further education.  Sunil visited the school in 2011.


Zambia has been experiencing serious power shortages, with power outages daily. One immediate use for the donations was the purchase of solar-powered lamps to allow the students to study in the evening. 


More information about the fund can be found here.


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